8 week MBCT-L


MBCT-L (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy - for Life) is a scientifically backed course by Oxford University, for the general population: link here.  I have completed teacher-training and in the process of running my second cohort to become certified.


Co-taught with my friend and fellow teacher Zeynep Agacikoglu  www.andamindfulness.com


When?    17 Oct - 5 Dec 2022

  • 16:45 -19:00 UK time - 135 mins MONDAYS  17Oct to 5 Dec incl
  • 10:00 - 15:00 UK time - Day of Practice SAT - 26 Nov 2022

Mindfulness Course vs Sitting Meditation (1min)


What is the format?

A highly structured experiential course cultivating real-time Awareness, Understanding and Wiser Action.

- Weekly Zoom sessions

- Home practice

- One half-day retreat to deepen practice

- More details here


Is it for you?

Please consider the following:

- What are your motivations to attend the course?

- Are you prepared to make the time commitment?



£50 one-off fee (vs £275 standard, as it is part or my certification).   I find that making a payment encourages commitment.  Also it helps me get comfortable with asking for money.



- Are sessions recorded?  No, to allow for greater openness.

- Can I miss an online-session?  Preferably attend all, as group interaction is very helpful. However life is life and being a small group, I will endeavour to get in touch separately.  There is also written course material and recorded meditations to follow.



Next step?

Get in touch via this website, facebook or linkedin if you would like to know more.