The body scan, where one sits or lies down scanning the body from head to toe, is a meditation I find very valuable.
In my experience it is similar to going for a work out at the gym: a dedicated training environment -- >> to develop particular attributes that add value to my life outside.
Training environment: is typically a quiet room. Consequently the internal landscape can be experienced without external distractions.
Development of ‘mind muscles’ ---- >> life value-add
- Focus: every time the mind wanders I bring it back ---- >>> staying more present during meetings
- Sensitivity to bodily sensations: brings greater awareness to emotional sensations ----- >>> split second awareness of the pull of a new social media post
- Determined Steadiness: continue scanning the body irrespective of sensations and thoughts being pleasant or unpleasant --- >>> Noticing arising irritation or excitement a moment earlier and while still manageable - useful eg for playing it cool.
Of course like going to the gym, the greater the practice the greater the rewards. Similarly also, 5 minutes is far better than none - which is what I did just before writing this post.
Author: JD

Image by Colin Behrens from Pixabay
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