
Diary #229 Stretching

Having a damaged MCL (knee ligament) has helped me appreciate regular meditations more. 

Scar tissue on my ligament inhibits my walking which puts me more on edge. Consequently, I need to be stretching it daily, I cannot rush (which is often frustrating) and stopping for a few weeks tightens the joint again. I have to stay patient and consistent. Then I become more flexible.


Now when I want to be more tuned-in to my day-to-day reactivity, be it with people, social media, unexpected events, even random thoughts, it helps if I meditate daily, consistently and not to rush.


In my meditations I will regularly notice the interplay of thoughts and emotions, which means I will then register it better in daily life improving my chances of taking wiser action.  And if I stop for a while, I will notice it less and become more reactive (less flexible) in my responses.


Just like with stretching, the benefits of meditation greatly improve with patience and regular practice.


Note: there are many types of meditation. Here I refer to observational practices such as 'body scan' and 'mindfulness of breath'.



Author: JD

Image by Thomas Schroeder from Pixabay


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